The weekend started with 2 juv Sabine's Gulls and a Long-tailed Skua off Pendeen and finished with an Icterine Warbler at Flamborough. In between a good bit of kicking at Buckton produced nothing more than 13 Whinchat, a Pied Flycatcher and an assorted array of variant looking Willow Warblers. The later hoodwinkers resemebling anything from Booted to Bonellis on skulking first views!
The weekend was dominated by weather with a deep low sweeping in from the Atlantic bringing strong winds and very heavy rain before sweeping out into the North Sea and meeting incoming high pressure fuelled migrants, which were then dumped on a narrow stretch of coastline from Northumbria to Teeside.
The Icterine was a new bird at Flamborough for me and can be added to Melodious, Booted, Marsh, Blyth's Reed, Barred, Sardinian, Desert, Greenish, Yellow-browed, Pallas's, Dusky and Humes Warbler.
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