With only a single record in the last ten years Coal Tit is a true Buckton rare, then a single bird last week and yesterday (October 2nd) four turned up togther in a net in the main dell. Today an un-ringed bird on the feeders at the caravan. Biometrically, all had wing lengths ruling out 'continental' origins but still puzzling as to where they have come from and why? Others were also seen on a vismig watch at nearby Speeton.
Other birds over the w/e included Merlin, now up to 40 Lapland Buntings on site, a few Redpoll and a retrap Redstart that has put on 1.7 grammes in a few days. Had great views of a 1st winter Rustic Bunting at Flamborough North Landing. September produced 516 new ringed birds including 110 Meadow Pipit, 15 Redstart, 56 Robin, 22 Brambling, 33 Willow Warbler, 19 Chiffchaff and 58 Reed Bunting,
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